The Council of Ho Technical University at its 112 Regular Meeting held on Friday, 15 September, 2023 approved a recommendation from the University Appointments and Promotions Board to promote two (2) Senior Assistant Registrars to the rank of Deputy Registrar in the Office of the Registrar of the University. The Senior Assistant Registrars promoted to Deputy Registrar are:
1. MR. MICHAEL T.K. TODOKO, Office of the Registrar
2. MR. EDEM KODZO HONU, Office of the Registrar
The appointments take effect from 1st January 2023.
MR. MICHAEL T.K. TODOKO holds an MA in Human Resource Management from the University of Cape Coast, B.A in French and Sociology from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Diploma in French Studies from the University of Abomey Calavi, Cotonou-Bénin and Teachers’ Certificate ‘A’ Post-Secondary from Mount Mary Training College. He began his career in Ho Technical University in November, 2011 as Assistant Registrar in the Office of the Registrar and was promoted to Senior Assistant Registrar in September, 2016. Mr. Todoko served as Head of Human Resource, Head of Vice-Chancellor’s Secretariat, Head of Registrar’s Secretariat, Ag. Transport Officer, Ag. Head of Academic Affairs, Assistant Registrar, Students Records and Management Information Systems Unit, and Convocation Representative on Academic Board. Mr. Todoko is currently the Ag. Director of Human Resource of the University.
MR. EDEM KODZO HONU holds an MPhil in Education Innovations and Leadership Science from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, M.A in Development Studies from the University of Ghana and B.A in Economics with Sociology from the University of Ghana. He was appointed as Assistant Registrar in the Office of the Registrar in November, 2011, and promoted to the Rank of Senior Assistant Registrar in September, 2016. Mr. Honu served as Head of General Administration, Head of Human Resource Office, Head of Public Relations Office, Assistant Registrar, Students Affairs. Mr. Honu is currently the Ag. Director of Career Placement and Counselling of the University, and a Convocation Representative on the University Council.
The University Council, in approving their promotions, commended the two (2) newly appointed Deputy Registrars for their dedication to duty and high standard of administrative performance and support to the University over the years as demonstrated in the assessment reports and the recommendations of the University Appointments and Promotions Board of the University. Council further expressed satisfaction with their high standard of performance which is comparable to similar standards in other reputable Universities. We congratulate them on attaining this feat in their administrative career.