The laws of Ghana apply equally to every member of the Technical University Community and the walls of the Technical University do not protect anyone from the full application of the laws of the country.
The kind of environment that supports basic academic enterprise of teaching and learning must be maintained at all times. In order to enhance academic work a serene atmosphere is required on the Technical University Campus.
The safe keeping and maintenance of all personal property are the responsibility of students concerned.
Students are expected to be decently dressed on all occasions. Bathroom slippers shall not be allowed at lectures. In addition, dressing that will unduly expose vital parts of the body shall not be tolerated.
Gowns will be worn on special occasions such as Congregations and at such other times as may be specified.
The following regulations govern the organization of excursions by students:
Penalties (General): The following regulations and penalties are published for the benefit of students and is also intended to help students to have peaceful stay on campus.